Thanks for your hints. The browser is able to render html. about:splash
looks normal and sometimes you can open html files with the open file
menu, sometimes you get a 404 error when you try to open a html file,
this behavior seems to be random. I set VERBOSE. This is the output when
I start dillo, try to surf home (don't work) and open a JPEG in the /tmp
directory (works).
paths: Cannot open file '/usr/people/diegel/.dillo/dillorc'
paths: Using /usr/local/etc/dillo/dillorc
paths: Cannot open file '/usr/people/diegel/.dillo/keysrc'
paths: Using /usr/local/etc/dillo/keysrc
dillo_dns_init: Here we go! (not threaded)
Disabling cookies.
** WARNING **: preferred sans-serif font "DejaVu Sans" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred serif font "DejaVu Serif" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred monospace font "DejaVu Sans Mono" not found.
sorcerer:/mnt/build/dillo-3.0.2> src/dillo
paths: Cannot open file '/usr/people/diegel/.dillo/dillorc'
paths: Using /usr/local/etc/dillo/dillorc
paths: Cannot open file '/usr/people/diegel/.dillo/keysrc'
paths: Using /usr/local/etc/dillo/keysrc
dillo_dns_init: Here we go! (not threaded)
Disabling cookies.
** WARNING **: preferred sans-serif font "DejaVu Sans" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred serif font "DejaVu Serif" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred monospace font "DejaVu Sans Mono" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred cursive font "URW Chancery L" not found.
** WARNING **: preferred fantasy font "DejaVu Sans" not found.
Nav_open_url: new url='about:splash'
Nav_open_url: new url=''
a_Capi_ccc : OpStart [2B] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpStart [2B] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpStart [2B] Info=10250a88 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpStart [1B] Info=10250ad8 Flags=0
a_Http_ccc : OpStart [1B] Info=10250b00 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpStart [1B] Info=10250b50 Flags=0
Dns_server [0]: is
Connecting to
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [1B] Info=10250b50 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [1F] Info=10250ad8 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [2B] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpSend [2B] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [2B] Info=10250a88 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [1B] Info=10250b50 Flags=0
Nav_open_url: new url='file:/tmp/orfanelle.jpg'
a_Capi_ccc : OpAbort [1B] Info=10250ad8 Flags=0
a_Http_ccc : OpAbort [1B] Info=10250b00 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpAbort [1B] Info=10250b50 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpAbort [2B] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpAbort [2B] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpAbort [2B] Info=10250a88 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpStart [2B] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpStart [2B] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpStart [2B] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpStart [1B] Info=10250ab0 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpStart [1B] Info=10250ad8 Flags=0
** ERROR **: [Dpi_read_comm_keys] No such file or directory
Dpi_blocking_start_dpid: try 1
[dpid]: a_Misc_mksecret: f3f0000d
dpid started
a_IO_ccc : OpStart [1B] Info=10250b00 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [1B] Info=10250b00 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [1F] Info=10250ab0 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [2B] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpSend [2B] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [2B] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [1F] Info=10250ab0 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [1B] Info=10250ab0 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpSend [1B] Info=10250ad8 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [1B] Info=10250b00 Flags=0
[file dpi]: (v.2) accepting connections...
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpSend [2F] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpEnd [2F] Info=10250a60 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpEnd [2F] Info=10250a38 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpEnd [2F] Info=10250bf0 Flags=0
a_Capi_ccc : OpEnd [1B] Info=10250ab0 Flags=0
a_Dpi_ccc : OpEnd [1B] Info=10250ad8 Flags=0
a_IO_ccc : OpEnd [1B] Info=10250b00 Flags=0
The tests provide some output. The cookies test for esample outputs endless:
[cookies dpi]: Disabling cookies.
[cookies dpi]: (v.1) accepting connections...
[cookies dpi]: cleanup
Post by corvidDo the dw* programs in dillo's test directory do anything?
Given that you aren't getting any repush messages, I'm guessing that
they'll be reasonably okay and that it's something to do with IO.
I'm not the expert on that code, but in the interest of giving something
to try in the meantime, I might start by setting breakpoints on
IO_fd_write_cb() and IO_fd_read_cb(), or setting VERBOSE in src/chain.c.
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Jan Diegelmann