css charset broken
Georgiewskiy Yuriy
2014-03-25 05:36:39 UTC
Hi all, seems there is a bug in css parsing in latest dillo 3.0.3 and latest HG too:

If i have load_stylesheets and/or (site depends) parse_embedded_css eq YES in dillorc a
number of russian sites with css renders with broken encoding, for example www.yandex.ru,
www.rambler.ru, if i disable css all renders fine with proper russian encoding.

C Õ×ÁÖÅÎÉÅÍ With Best Regards
çÅÏÒÇÉÅ×ÓËÉÊ àÒÉÊ. Georgiewskiy Yuriy
+7 4872 711666 +7 4872 711666
ÆÁËÓ +7 4872 711143 fax +7 4872 711143
ëÏÍÐÁÎÉÑ ïïï "áÊ ôÉ óÅÒ×ÉÓ" IT Service Ltd
http://nkoort.ru http://nkoort.ru
JID: GHhost-k/***@public.gmane.org JID: GHhost-k/***@public.gmane.org
Johannes Hofmann
2014-03-25 16:50:49 UTC
Post by Georgiewskiy Yuriy
If i have load_stylesheets and/or (site depends) parse_embedded_css
eq YES in dillorc a number of russian sites with css renders with
broken encoding, for example www.yandex.ru,
www.rambler.ru, if i disable css all renders fine with proper russian encoding.
I guess CSS is switching the font to something that doesn't support
Cyrillic. E.g. on yandex.ru I see:
body{font:.8em Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;}
So if you don't have Arial installed, it will switch to Helvetica
and that - at least here - doesn't cover Cyrillic.
You can test this with attached HTML. You could try to get Arial
installed. In the long run Dillo or fltk should implement some
fallback mechanism if glyphs are missing in the selected font.

